University of Sofia “St. Kl. Ohridski”
10-11 April 2006
Nadezhda Andreeva, The Big World of History and the Small World of Family in the Play Baldwin, Emperor of the East, Munich 1676
Raïa Zaïmova, La “civilisation” des Lumières et le voyage vers le sud-est
Ileana Mihaila (Bucarest), Frontières des Pays Roumains au XVIIIe siècle
Eliana Raytchéva, La route de Blanqui à travers les Balkans
Jasmina Mojssiéva-Gouchéva (Skopje), Imaginary Homelands
Nikolay Aretov, Quest of the Legend: Paths to Aglikina Polyana
Lidia Mihova, La rue – interprétations littéraires
Anna Alexieva, The Mnemonic character in the mid-19th century Bulgarian poetry –Traveling through time
Alexander Prokopiev (Skopje), About the neighbor or the aga in Istanbul
Elena Popova, Mobile Forms of Orthodox Art in XVIII – XIX cc. kept in Domestic Altars
Vanja Ratchéva, Hajdut Velko(vich) and the Bulgarian-Serbs Political Relations
Vessela Dimova, Les frontières dans le destin du livre bulgare au XVIIIe – XIXe ss.
Diana Nikolova, The traveller and the Wandering Plots in 18th Century Culture
Rumyana Damyanova, Paths of joy: beaten and new
Nadia Danova, Une tentative de cartographier les Balkans en 1826
Dessislava Lilova, The geographic maps of the Revival Period: Usage Strategies
Lioubomir Géorguiev, Weg und Reise im Zweiten und im Dritten bulgarischen Zarentum (Nachfolgerschaft und Neuerungen)
Marguarita Harbova, Chemin tranchant une frontière balkanique
Gergana Georgieva, Administrative center of centers in the Ottoman Empire (The Province of Rumelia in the late 18th – early 19th Centuries)
Evelina Razhdavichka, Trust: Way or Limit to Gain Commercial Success
Anguélina Vatchéva, Le passage des frontières dans les mémoires de Catherine II
Tamara Stoïlova, La voie de l’Europe vers la Russie
Radoslava Iltchéva, Le voyage qui bouleversa la Russie
Ludmilla Kostova, The Dragoman’s Road and the Fate of Hellas: History and its Lessons in Thomas Hope’s Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Greek; Written at the Close of the Eighteenth Century
Lili Kirova, Are We changing or everything is fading in the Triumphant Balkan Silence?
Boyka Ilieva, All Roads Lead to Rome – Bulgarians who visited Italy during ХVІІІ – ХІХ centuries
Elena Azmanova-Rudarska, Borders and Space Indications in memories of participants in wars (1912-1918)
Sanya Velkova, Le seul voyage dans la vie d’un écrivain et sa dimension grecque
Yordanka Bibina, Fatih Harbiye: the Traditional Way and the Modernization
Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu (Bucarest), «Sur des chemins inconnus»: migration et famille dans la société roumaine (XVIIIe siècle)
Nadejda Alexandrova (co-authored with Dr. Dawn Lyon, Essex), Border-places and ‘home’ in the narratives of Bulgarian migrant women
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